import cv2 import random import math N=500 upperbound=100 winSize=300 winName="sortviz" delay_frame=50 delay_sorted=1000 backgroundColor=[0x80,0x80,0x80] foreColor = [0xFF,0xFF,0x0]
def qSort(a,lwbd,upbd): if(lwbd<upbd): t=a[lwbd] i=lwbd j=upbd while i!=j: while i<j and a[j]>t: j-=1 if i<j: a[i]=a[j] i+=1 while i<j and a[i]<=t: i+=1 if i<j: a[j]=a[i] j-=1 a[i]=t qSort(a,lwbd,i-1) qSort(a,i+1,upbd)
def drawBackground(): img[0:winSize,0:winSize]=backgroundColor def fillRectangele(p1,p2): img[p1[0]:p2[0],p1[1]:p2[1]]=foreColor def plotArray(a): drawBackground() columnWidth=winSize/N for i in range(len(a)): fillRectangele( (winSize-int(a[i]*winSize/upperbound),int(i*columnWidth)), (winSize,int((1+i)*columnWidth)) ) return def qSort(a,lwbd,upbd): if(lwbd<upbd): t=a[lwbd] i=lwbd j=upbd while i!=j: while i<j and a[j]>t: j-=1 if i<j: a[i]=a[j] i+=1 while i<j and a[i]<=t: i+=1 if i<j: a[j]=a[i] j-=1 a[i]=t cv2.waitKey(delay_frame) plotArray(a) cv2.imshow(winName,img) qSort(a,lwbd,i-1) qSort(a,i+1,upbd) return def QuickSort(): a=[random.randint(0,upperbound) for _ in range(N)] qSort(a,0,len(a)-1) cv2.waitKey(delay_sorted)
img = cv2.imread("background.png") img.resize(winSize,winSize,3) QuickSort() cv2.waitKey(0)
def BubbleSort(): a=[random.randint(0,upperbound) for _ in range(N)] n=N-1 while n>0: lastChangeIndex=0 for i in range(n): if(a[i]>a[i+1]): t=a[i] a[i]=a[i+1] a[i+1]=t lastChangeIndex = i cv2.waitKey(delay_frame) plotArray(a) cv2.imshow(winName,img) n=lastChangeIndex cv2.waitKey(delay_sorted)
def drawPoint(x,y): w = 1 l = 3 img[x-l:x+l,y-w:y+w]=foreColor img[x-w:x+w,y-l:y+l]=foreColor def plotArray(a): drawBackground() center = winSize/2 dtheta = 6*math.pi/len(a) for i in range(len(a)): R = a[i]*winSize/(2*upperbound) drawPoint( int(center+R*math.cos(i*dtheta)), int(center+R*math.sin(i*dtheta)) ) return
C#中使用OpenCV也非常方便,在Nuget管理包中安装OpenCvSharp,在程序前using OpenCvSharp;,同样是预定义一些常量,然后初始化数组。使用C#可以新建Mat类而不需要指定图片。新建Mat对象后,绘图过程与Python类似,不再赘述。
class Program { enum PolyMode { polar, linear }; const int winSize = 500; const string winName = "sortedvis"; const int N = 500; const int upperbound = 100; const int delay_sorted = 1000; const int delay_frame = 50; static void Main(string[] args) { List<int> a = new List<int>(N); for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { a.Add(0); } var board = new Mat(winSize, winSize, MatType.CV_8UC3); Cv2.NamedWindow(winName); BubbleSort(ref board, ref a); SelectionSort(ref board, ref a); InsertionSort(ref board, ref a); QuickSort(ref board,ref a); Cv2.WaitKey(0); } static void DrawBG(ref Mat mat) { mat.FillConvexPoly(new Point[] { new Point(0,0), new Point(winSize,0), new Point(winSize,winSize), new Point(0,winSize) }, Scalar.Gray); } static void PolyArr(ref Mat mat, ref List<int> a, string putText = null) { const PolyMode polyMode = PolyMode.polar; switch (polyMode) { case PolyMode.polar: kernal_PolarArr(ref mat, ref a, putText); break; case PolyMode.linear: kernal_ColumnArr(ref mat, ref a, putText); break; default: break; } } static void kernal_ColumnArr(ref Mat mat,ref List<int> a,string putText=null) { DrawBG(ref mat); var width = winSize / N; var expandRate = winSize / upperbound; for(int i=0;i<a.Count;i++) { mat.FillConvexPoly(new Point[] { new Point(i*width,winSize), new Point(i*width,winSize- a[i]*expandRate), new Point((i+1)*width,winSize-a[i]*expandRate), new Point((i+1)*width,winSize) },Scalar.Aqua) ; } if (putText != null) { Cv2.PutText(mat, putText, new Point(30, 30), HersheyFonts.HersheyDuplex, 1, Scalar.Black); } Cv2.ImShow(winName, mat); } static void kernal_PolarArr(ref Mat mat, ref List<int> a, string putText = null) { DrawBG(ref mat); var center = winSize / 2; var dtheta = 10*Math.PI/a.Count; for (int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++) { var R = (a[i]) * winSize*1.0 / (2*upperbound); mat.DrawMarker(new Point(center+R*Math.Cos(i*dtheta),center-R*Math.Sin(i*dtheta)), Scalar.Aqua, MarkerTypes.Cross, 5); } if (putText != null) { Cv2.PutText(mat, putText, new Point(30, 30), HersheyFonts.HersheyDuplex, 1, Scalar.Black); } Cv2.ImShow(winName, mat); } static void BubbleSort(ref Mat mat, ref List<int> a) { shuffle(ref a); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a); int i, lastChangedIndex,t, n = a.Count-1; while(n>0) { lastChangedIndex = 0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(a[i]>a[i+1]) { t = a[i]; a[i] = a[i + 1]; a[i+1]=t; lastChangedIndex = i; } } Cv2.WaitKey(delay_frame); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a,"Bubble Sort"); n = lastChangedIndex; } Cv2.WaitKey(delay_sorted); } static void SelectionSort(ref Mat mat, ref List<int> a) { shuffle(ref a); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a); int i, j, k, t; for(i=0;i<a.Count-1;i++) { k = i; for(j=i+1;j<a.Count;j++) { if (a[k] > a[j]) k = j; } t = a[i]; a[i] = a[k]; a[k] = t; Cv2.WaitKey(delay_frame); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a, "Selection Sort"); } Cv2.WaitKey(delay_sorted); } static void InsertionSort(ref Mat mat,ref List<int>a) { shuffle(ref a); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a); int j,t; for(int i=1;i<a.Count;i++) { t = a[i]; for( j=i-1;j>=0 && t<a[j];j--) { a[j + 1] = a[j]; } a[j + 1] = t; Cv2.WaitKey(delay_frame); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a, "Insertion sort"); } Cv2.WaitKey(delay_sorted); } static void QuickSort(ref Mat mat,ref List<int> a) { shuffle(ref a); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a); qSort(ref mat, ref a, 0, a.Count - 1); Cv2.WaitKey(delay_sorted); } static void qSort(ref Mat mat, ref List<int> a, int lwbd, int upbd) { if (lwbd < upbd) { int i, j, t; t = a[lwbd]; i = lwbd; j = upbd; while (i != j) { while (i < j && a[j] > t) j--; if (i < j) a[i++] = a[j]; while (i < j && a[i] <= t) i++; if (i < j) a[j--] = a[i]; } a[i] = t; Cv2.WaitKey(delay_frame); PolyArr(ref mat, ref a, "Quick sort"); qSort(ref mat, ref a, lwbd, i - 1); qSort(ref mat, ref a, i + 1, upbd); } } static void shuffle(ref List<int> a) { Random rd = new Random(); for (int i=0;i<a.Count;i++) { a[i] = rd.Next(0, upperbound); } } }