5 Huge Disasters Caused By Idiots
Whether to impress a sexy person (or just because we really wanted that special-…
Whether to impress a sexy person (or just because we really wanted that special-…
[随声录] 读一些外语,但是读了不知道准不准。想到讯飞语音输入法可以把说的转成文字,就拿这个功能来用,比较一下朗读的内容和转换的内容差在哪里。当然同时还有随声译…
Adding pellets of Mentos mint candy to carbonated beverages has been a science f…
No one knows exactly how the nocturnal hunters manage their whisper-soft flight,…
[malicTOC] 微软研究院AI头条 BERT 在神经机器翻译中的应用 Incorporating BERT into Neural Machi…
在离散数学上已经了解过,gcd的运行次数不超过 \( 2\log_2{(n+1)}\),其中\(n\)是待求两数中的较小的那个数。拉梅定理也告诉我们,\( gc…